


There is a small park located in front of the Restaurant area for children to play. With beautiful view of the garden and lake, also the fresh air will make your holiday more fun, memorable and healthy.


Parking Area

With a spacious and safe parking area makes you feel comfortable and safe to put your vehicle during your visit at the area. We also install CCTV’s for your safety during the trip here.

ulun danu resto


There are two dining places at the attraction area. This place serving western, Indonesian, and Chinese style menus also provides buffet menus. It open from 09.00 – 17.00 with a reasonable price.

Taman Bermain Anak

Taman Bermain Anak

Ada sebuah taman bermain anak yang terletak di depan area Restoran untuk anak-anak bermain. Dengan pemandangan taman dan danau yang indah, juga udara yang segar akan membuat liburan Anda lebih menyenangkan, berkesan dan menyehatkan.

other activities

Kios Belanja Oleh-oleh

Ada kios dimana kita dapat membeli buah tangan.


Ada toilet dimana kita dapat buang air.



Ada ATM dimana kita dapat mengambil uang.